Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hi girls,

I will be sending out an invite later today on EVITE
Please add your team members to the EVITE as we need to confirm who
will be attending the Team APPRECIATION dinner at my house

* eXpresso Team Dinner November 12th 6pm

My address is
138 E Hampton Lane
Gilbert AZ 85295

I am so excited to love on ya'll and spoil you ROTTEN with yummy food and fellowship!
Mark your calendar today!

Numbers from the last eXpresso on "WORDS"


What an awesome night ladies!
All your efforts and hard work blessed so many last night!
Thank you, for your hearts to serve!

We continually get better and better!

We had a total of 168 Women attend eXpresso
40 of them were NEW!!!

God is so GOOD!

Would you do me a favor? Would you write down any notes you have on ways we can improve or "God Stories" from last night and send them to me to post?

I will be working on mine as well!

Have a blessed Tuesday!
Big hugs to all of you!

Want to help make a Difference this holiday season?

Would you like to help a single mom/family out this Christmas?
Cornerstone Life Groups are gathering donations for the single mom's to bless them with
items they need.
Please contact Kim Wallace if you would like to donate.

Thank you for your heart to serve!

Instead of the event, Small Groups has decided to ‘adopt’ Single Moms/families that have true, dire needs. More info on this to come. Once we know what their needs and wish lists are, as a group, we will step up and help out these families.

Some of you wanted to donate – if this is still in your heart, please, please still do. We will need donations for the families as well as our goal is still surprise these Mom’s with a pamper basket (already have candles and shampoos donated and one small group is going to make a basket).

If you have any items that you wish to donate or want to help out with one of these adopted families, let us know. And again, more info will be coming out soon!

Thank you! Bless you!

One by one. Great opportunities to serve God often come as small opportunities to service those around us who are in need. Faith is something we do!

Kim Wallace
Small Groups

Kim Wallace | Network Manager | ¤Target Commercial Interiors | 125 N. 67th Avenue | Phoenix, AZ 85043 | 602.384.3511 (ph) | 623.936.3661 (fax) I kim.wallace@target.com

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Raffle for Boutique

Hi Ladies,

Here is our beautiful raffle for the upcoming "HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE"

It was $129.99 reg price, I used a 20% off coupon at Bed Bath and Beyond and
purchased it for $112.10

The Boutique monies paid for our awesome raffle.

The reason we are able to do a Holiday Boutique is to welcome gals that would not normally be on our amazing church campus as a stepping stone to capture and invite them to come ck out
our Women's ministry's and quite possibly ck out Jesus for the first time.


So the raffle is to help encourage the gals to fill out their information to help us track how many people came to Cornerstone for the very first time and TO BLESS THEM IN A BIG WAY! Not only by sharing our awesome campus but our awesome women's ministries.

Do you know Cornerstone offers so much more Women's programming than most church's in the valley?

It is because of your hearts to plug in and serve that we are able to GROW our ministries and reach even more gals for Christ!

Thank you for volunteering your time for the boutique, it is so well spent and I want to THANK YOU FOR LOVING ON GALS AND SHARING EXPRESSO WITH THEM!

We will also have some yummy chocolates on the table to offer our guest walking by as well.

My BLOOMZ booth will be right next door should anyone need further help, I will be there the entire boutique.

**** We are also looking to fill a few more slots for Friday night November 6th shift, please email Jaime Anglin :0) Thank you!


Next Year EXPRESSO Dates

for 2010

2/22/10 "PASSIONS"
4/19/10 "BOUNDARIES"
8/23/10 "LABELED"
10/25/10 "STUCK"

EXPRESSO Team, Please mark your calendars for the above dates as well as the Thursday night before each.......

Team Meeting's (A total of six)
for 2010

1/28/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm
2/18/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm
4/15/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm
07/29/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm
8/19/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm
10/21/10 Team meeting 6:30-8:30pm

We are confirmed to do all next years eXpresso's in the student center. Start
dreaming with me how we can be creative in making the most of our eXpresso ministry in the Student center.

My thoughts are as we continue to grow to set up rows like big church close to the stage and tight with tables set up in the back. It is not our ideal set up but we need to work with what we have been so graciously blessed with.

Think about churches that do ministry and church with NO BUILDINGS and let's see how creative we can be!

Would you pray for our team next year?
We are asking a FULL commitment from the gals who volunteer on our incredible EXPRESSO team that we ALL commit to EACH meeting and truly grow up gals to come along side and experience a deep passion for serving our GREAT GOD!

Ultimately it is TEN dates next year.

Would you pray and talk to your family about your commitment for TEN dates next year?

THINK about your part in making a HUGE IMPACT to those around us for CHRIST.

We need you, LET'S RISE UP TO THIS CHALLENGE and set the dates in your calendar now.

Together we can COME, GROW, SERVE!

I am so very BLESSED and HONORED to serve along side you as EXPRESSO'S LEADER.
EACH OF YOU are a HUGE BLESSING not only as team mates but as FRIENDS.




Table Hostess's

Hi Ladies,
I am emailing you urgently asking you to foward this email onto friends that may wish to serve tomorrow night for eXpresso. We are VERY short on table hostesses and I would love to bless each and every gal that attends tomorrow night with a hostess.
eXpresso is October 26th at 7:00pm in the Student Center. The topic is "Words
Do you know anyone who would like to come along side and serve as an eXpresso hostess?

We are currently looking for 20 MORE gals to come along side a table of women and be a "light" at the table.

Please email me if you would like to serve as a hostess for the eXpresso. Tanya Kirkpatrick made an "eXpresso" team blog for all upcoming meetings and information, this is a place for you to hear the "God" stories of the night of eXpresso, the numbers of gals who attended and other service opportunities. If you haven't taken the "Spiritual PURSE-N-ALITIES" quiz yet, please ck on the left side of the blog and take a minute to take the quiz and email Tanya at pinkldy4@gmail.com. Thank you so much!
As a table hostess we are asking that you to please arrive at 6:30pm. I would like us all to meet at 6:30pm to pray. Please meet outside the doors near the refreshments (between the B building & student center).
***Again, please email me to let me know if you will be able to hostess a table at eXpresso on October 26th, I look so forward to meeting with you! What an incredible opportunity to serve and touch another gal's life for God's Glory!
Kristina Bradley
Cell Phone # (480) 980-8977
Table Hostess Coordinator


Hi gals we have a few more time slots that need filled also for the women's boutique, Friday November 6th in the evening to work the eXpresso table and love on gals as they walk by to hand them an eXpresso card and tell them about our awesome ministry.

If you have a 1/2 or an hour to share your awesome personality with women cking out our church we would love to have you! Please contact Jaime Anglin at jaimeandderek@hotmail.com as soon as you can.

Thank you ladies! Please pass onto your teams

Tanya Kirkpatrick


Hi gals,

I have a few URGENT prayer requests.........

1. Nicole Stamps is ill and I have been making calls to try and find someone to do the sound booth that is very familiar with it and works on it somewhat regularly.

2. We need several more table hostess's

3. The gals that will be attending eXpresso tom

4. Our eXpresso team as we prepare for eXpresso tom

5. Final touches on my part for eXpresso

Thank you friends! Have a blessed Sunday!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Leader of eXpresso:
Tanya Kirkpatrick
480-251-0850 Cell
480-755-8237 Hm

Oh girls! I am so excited to share with you all our three special panelists for this upcoming eXpresso! It is a pleasure to get to come along side each of these beautiful women inside and out and serve and share that we have HOPE in this life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Wahooo! Can I get an AMEN!

Please welcome Sheila Long to our eXpresso Team! After serving on the panel herself she asked if she could serve along side and love on the panelists and I am thrilled to have her on our eXpresso team. She will be sitting in on the panel meetings as well as praying with the panelists the night of eXpresso and just taking care of them, getting them drinks, helping keep their nerves calm, being there should they need help with their microphones and being a second hand to myself. THANK YOU SHEILA for seeing a need and stepping in! I am so honored to not only have her as a friend but serve along side her! WELCOME SHEILA!!


Please welcome ..........Drum Roll...........

April Ellis: Married to an amazing man who makes me laugh every day. Blessed to be the mother of two little boys. Serves as the Director of MOMS group at Cornerstone. Loves to have cookies as lunch.

“ I thank God for the people he strategically placed in my life as a young person and encouraged me through their words and heart for Christ”

Melissa Richards:

Thankful to be a mom to three beautiful children, Anna 6, Joshua 3, and Samual (who is in heaven). Helps husband run pool business and runs Total Body Fitness Boot Camp business. God keeps me focused on what is most important in life…...HIM.

“ I would post scripture on my desk at work and on my bathroom mirror, His word became alive to me”

Autumn Miles:

Happily married mother of two, Grace is Four years old and Jude is one. Husband Eddie Miles, is a youth pastor. Autumn is passionate about speaking to young women and sharing HOPE found in Jesus Christ. She is working on a devotional for young women on the topic of “Faith”

“ God’s word is a continual reminder we have hope when we feel all hope is lost"
I am meeting with the panel tonight and am so excited to spend time with them! Please pray for our time together!

Table Hostess Coordinator:
Kristina Bradley
480-980-8977 Cell
480-361-2556 Hm

Table Questions for this next eXpresso! Thank you Kristina!!

Proverbs 10:19

When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who hold his tongue is wise.

1. In your own words describe Proverbs 10:19

2. Do you struggle with words you speak or hear?

3. Is there someone in your life that has hurt you with words and you have yet to forgive? What is holding you back?

4. Do you spend time with God daily whether in a bible study, prayer, reading your bible? What blessings come from this time one on one with God ?

5. Where you able to relate to one of the panelists who spoke on Words? How?

6. Do you find it hard to turn away from a conversation that is filled with negative words about others? How do you think you will respond when faced in that situation now?
Mrs. Karie Hughes is going to be meeting with all the Table Hostess's to pray with them prior to eXpresso.

She will be meeting all the table hostess's at 6:30 outside the Student Center in between the student center and the childrens building (on the east side of student Center by the outside tables)

All table hostess's please ck in at the kiosks then quietly (please as Nicole Stamps is trying to do sound ck's and it is very hard when gals are talking) put their purses down at their assigned tables.

Thank you Karie for your willingness to step in so Kristina can go celebrate her hubby's birthday! You are so appreciated!!


I truly know you all have friends that really enjoy sitting with you and I am sure you
also enjoy sitting with all of them.

I want to ENCOURAGE each of you to truly love on a gal you do not know, maybe go really out on a limb and for the night of eXpresso LOVE on an entire table of women you don't know. Let God use you as a warm welcoming face.

I do realize many of you invite friends that don't attend CS and it is their comfort level to sit with you, I am not asking you in this position.

I am asking those who call CS home and have a comfort level here that they could reach out and reach up and love on a new gal maybe it is a gal that has been coming to CS for years and never attended a women's event. I can't tell you how many of those gals come to eXpresso to try stepping out of the purple chair they are so comfortable in on Sunday's to stepping into a room full of women and they know NO ONE.

Pray about it, I trust God will move you in the direction you are to take.

THANK YOU for serving as a table hostess, THANK YOU for loving on a full table of gals!

We are doing something new and different that was suggested by a table hostess from the last eXpresso!!

After table questions I will give you a five minute time frame to pray over your table and allow women to take a turn if they feel led to do so and pray.

Don't be nervous, Just be yourselves. I have heard so many women say, I am so embarrassed I don't "pray" well, God hears your hearts gals, just be yourself! You are each BEAUTIFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!

THANK YOU SWEET SISTA'S FOR COMING ALONG SIDE AND LOVING ON A TABLE OF WOMEN!! We couldn't do eXpresso without each of our wonderful volunteers and you are all so APPRECIATED!

We need more TABLE HOSTESS'S if you know someone please have them email Kristina Bradley!



Set up/ Tear Down Coordinator:
Jaime Anglin
480-227-2103 Cell
480-988-5505 Hm
email jaimeandderek@hotmail.com

Wahoo......Jaime set up an event for the SET UP for eXpresso on Facebook! you go girl! We are setting up this Monday, October 26th at noon after Mom's in the am. If you can help come on ova to the student center, we would love to have you!

We are setting up the room a little differently and using different center pieces for the Bistro tables. They will have a square piece of fabric in the center, a fish bowl with coffee beans inside and small glass candle burning in it :0)

We are getting 30 15 inch squares cut of fabric and are looking for a gal who loves to sew and her heart be filled to serve and finish the ends of the square fabric pieces. Please email Jaime Anglin a contact if you are that person or know someone with the gift of sewing who might be interested in serving in the way.

eXpresso Room SET UP

(These directions will help the student center to hopefully be set up with no mis communications)

Please begin praying for a smooth set up for our gals who have graciously committed to help set up on Monday, Thank you!

1. B – Bistro tables, please see set up picture and set all ten bistro tables up in front of stage with four chairs (-) around them

2. - = Chairs

3. Please set up 25 Large tables and place 8 chairs around each

4. Please set up 15 chairs at a slant to the stage right and stage left (-) please see set up picture

5. Please see set up for additional ten Chairs on each side of room and eight chairs in the front of the sound booth

6. Three 8 foot tables please see set up picture for these to go in the left corner of the room closest to the doors.

7. Please set up a round table out in the foyer area centered between double doors.

8. Please set up one 8 foot table in foyer area for our Info booth and two chairs.

9. Please make sure DRUMS are off the stage for eXpresso and any other stage items

10. This should give us a total of 300 places for gals to sit.

11. Thank you for your help in making eXpresso happen and for loving on the room set up, your time and efforts are so very appreciated!!

12. Tanya Kirkpatrick eXpresso Leaders cell phone number should you need to reach her 480-251-0850

Sound/Lights Coordinator:
Nicole Stamps
480-650-2044 Cell

Nicole has been working on our Graphics for our upcoming eXpresso's for next year!
Thank you Nicole for sharing your creative gifts and time!

PLEASE be quiet and caring while Nicole is doing sound ck's before eXpresso it is very hard to
hear when gals are visiting and talking in the room. Could you help nicely remind gals to not talk while she is doing sound ck's on the speakers?
Thank you so much for your help!

Drama Coordinator
Andra Good
602-478-0545 Cell

Andra has done it again ladies.........
She put together a beautiful picture slide show to the song
"The Word" by Sara Groves
and added the lyrics to each slide show

It is beautiful and very powerful!

You go Annie!

Andra has also graciously volunteered to be our photographer the night of eXpresso capturing
our very special ministry to add to our face book page. Thank you Andra
for seeing a need and jumping right in! Can't wait to see what you capture!

Raffles Coordinator:
Starla Evans
WOWZA LADIES...........
I asked for a few extra raffles and Mrs. Starla Evans did just that and more!!

Ck out the raffles for eXpresso.............Drum RoLL!!!

Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?

http://www.cschandler.com/events Total of 4 Anita Renfroe Tickets Saturday, November 14th, 2009

Melissa Richards "8 Sessions of Boot Camp Classes" 480-238-4205

DOVE Chocoalte Discoveries by Raffle by Dawn Holtmann (623) 656-8878 www.dovechocolatediscoveries.com/dee

BLOOM" by Tanya Kirkpatrick (480) 251-0850 - http://bloomaccessories.blogspot.com

Pampered Chef by Trudy Maples (480) 239-0082- http://www.pamperedchef.biz/trudymaples

Creative Memories Scrapbooking by Starla and Whitney Evans (816) 447-5432 (2 raffles)

Amazing Grace Bookstore, Chandler, AZ

Music by Jonny Diaz - http://jonnydiaz.com

Massage by Teri (480) 309-7511 - Carter Family Chiropractic

Facial by Phillipa D’s Skin Care (480) 620-6543 - Carol Ensminger

Canvas Art by Samantha Ingow (602) 574-4894 - http://www.whatahootart.com

Gold Canyon Candle by Jena Rhea (480) 204-3972 - www.goldcanyon.com

Paradise Bakery (Queen Creek and Alma School) (2 raffles)

Wild Tree gift bag by Sheri Gundlach (480) 245-6003 www.wildtree.com

Family Photography session by Tine Burnham (602) 570- 6098 - http://livelovephotography.com $350 value

Haircut by Tina Burnham (602) 570- 6098 - http://livelovephotography.com

Greeter Coordinator
Jami Lindberg

Jami has been working hard to gather ten greeters to be the FIRST experience of
what our Christian family is all about ladies! To possibly be hearing about Jesus for the first time, maybe they came by accident onto our campus, maybe a friend invited them.......Whatever the reason, please welcome them with open arms!

Some of the gals will be outside in front of the student center, some will be right by the doors while some will be helping seat gals at their tables.

THANK YOU JAMI for all your efforts to find out going gals who will arm and arm walk ladies to their seats, who's faces light up with smiles to greet gals as they walk onto our church campus many of them for the very first time!

Thank you gals so much for showing an out reached hand to women!
It is scary being in a room full of women ladies, please reach out to women the night of eXpresso and love on them! It might be the only loving or kind words they have received in a mighty long time!

Thank you Jami!!

Kiosk Coordinator
MaryAnn Eberhart
480-298-1603 Cell
MaryAnn is our second WARM WELCOMING!
She will have three kiosks set up for cking in gals
There will be two for ck in for gals who already attend Cornerstone
and One Kiosk for gals that are NEW to Cornerstone.

MaryAnn did you think we needed a fourth? There were several gals that slipped by that didn't ck in last eXpresso, what are your thoughts?

MaryAnn ROCKED the NEW ck in last eXpresso as she came prepared with clip boards so gals that were standing in the NEW ck in line were able to fill out all their information in full ahead of time :0) You go girl!!

We have purple labels for NEW gals to CS and our EXPRESSO TEAM

EXPRESSO TEAM please sign in at MaryAnn's kiosk so your label in your lanyard stands out as well please.

We are asking NO ONE other that EXPRESSO team members enter in the student center before 6:45pm. MaryAnn will you make signs again to post on the doors of the Student Center to let the gals all know this? Thank you!!

MaryAnn do you have NEW to CS ck in forms? Do you need some more?

Also do you have the PURPLE LABELS from the last EXPRESSO?

Will we need more for the next EXPRESSO?

Thank you MaryAnn and Kiosk team for your hearts to serve and help us account for our growth in eXpresso! We will have enough seating this expresso for 300 guests.
Information Table
Sara Ghali


Sara will be working our Information Booth in the Student Center Foyer.
She will be stocked with all the Women's Information that we offer at CS.

Also this event we are going to have stacks of the PURSE-N-ALITY questionaires and we are REALLY ENCOURAGING gals to stop and quick fill these out and turn them back in the night of eXpresso.

Sara, I think we need two more gals to help you work the INFO booth.

Is anyone interested in coming along side Sara and being the face of Women's Ministries the night of eXpresso?

Thank you Sara! We will have your table all set up for you Monday with all the upcoming Women's Info as well as the PURSE-N-ALITY brochures and pens.

Refreshments Coordinator
Laura Corey


LADIES, these gals have ordered 125 LARGE yummy different flavored
Cup Cakes for our dessert for eXpresso

They need two or three more gals to come along side them and serve and sale these yummy Cup Cakes for $3.50 each. They are large so two gals can split them easy!

Thank you Laura and Evy for coming early and providing all the lemonade and coffee to spoil the guests the night of eXpresso! You guys ROCK!

Here is the grocery list we need for the upcoming eXpresso:

1. Lemonade from Costco - Tanya will get
2. Red Cups from Costco - Tanya will get
3. A total of 6 Large Flavored Creamers
2 vanilla
1 pumpkin spice
1 Hazel nut Latte
1 Carmel
1 Plain Half and Half
4. Cut up Lemons for Water and lemonade

You had two waters and two lemonades at the last one right? Were you planning on doing the same again this eXpresso? It worked out awesome since we are serving so many gals beverages. Let me know if we need more containers or if we can borrow them.

Thank you gals so much!