Sunday, August 23, 2009

SET UP and TEAR DOWN TEAM - From Tanya

Hi Team!

Thank you for coming tom to set up Tomorrow morning, Monday at 9am.

Several of you have inquired about bringing kiddo's to set up.
The answer is YES! I will bring Austin's little DVD player and a movie to help entertain the kiddo's while we set up the room. The room will have been cleaned as well as the foyer so please make sure we "clean up" after our munchkins after we set up.

I spoke with Evelyn and she said the room is set up with our tables and some of our linens are already on the tables :0) AWESOME!

We are setting up differently tom as we will be setting up 25 tables and 5 bistro smaller tables.

***** Please pray that every lady attending eXpresso will have a chair, that the night will run smoothly.

We are expecting A VERY LARGE TURN OUT for eXpresso Monday night.

I will be bringing a few coffee cup mugs from home to help decorate the bistro tables.
There will be a clip board in the room to also write down anything we are missing so when I leave tom after set up I can have a list of items to bring back with me.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

Team new's updates - From Tanya

Children attending eXpresso

Hi Team,

I wanted to address this and have you all updated on a question that I have answered several times today.

We do not offer childcare the night of eXpresso. I do have a list that was sent to me to offer mom's that need contacts for a babysitter the night of eXpresso that can come to their homes to watch their kiddo's. That being said, we can give them the list of contacts and the mom takes it from there. The cost is the mom's responsibilty since it is not offered on church campus.

Several gals have asked me if they can bring their baby because they are nursing. I was once a nursing mom and I competely understand. My answer was if it was possible to pump and have them take a bottle while they attend eXpresso (and have the babies stay home with dad or sitter to eat) or to try to feem them right before they leave. However a new baby usally nurses A TON in the evening so if they do bring them into eXpresso please encourage them to be respectful to the panelists and the rest of the room and take them into the foyer to finish tending to the baby should they get fussy and they can listen in via speaker's in the foyer.

The content in which the panelists share is not age appropriate for Children. Young ladies, age 13 which are accomplanied by an adult parent are welcome to come particitpate in eXpresso as they are learnign how to navigate many of the same decisions the panelists share, however we do warn the Adult parents the content is rated PG 13. They need to be in Jr High or High school age as the content is NOT age appropriate for younger children.

I understand last minute circumstances arise but if one acception is made and a young person is in the room, it sets a standard for other gals and then we end up with a room full of young children. This is a "Women's" Ministry that is geared towards "young women and older"

We do table talk after the panelists and our heart is to have gals open up and share. Having young ears at the table could possibly be an uncomfortable place for some gals to share.
Several times while interviewing panelists, we move to a different spot to interview due to young ears and the comfort of the gal sharing her testimony.

I will be asking Dina Vanhazel to update our eXpresso webpage with the rated PG 13

THANK YOU ladies for being on the front line and helping answer these questions.
As we grow I want to make sure we are clear so there are no uncomfortable gals and we are all set up for a successful, powerful evening knowing the expectations up front.


Friday, August 21, 2009


Hi Team!

(Team coordinators, please forward out to your team and please make sure if they have not accessed the blog and signed up that they do so, Thank you!!)

We are trying VERY hard to not have the room be overwhelming to
gals as it is going to be a FULL house, which is a BLESSING!

Gals that are NEW to CS will be in a NEW to CS kiosk line and will be given light purple name tags to wear so they are easily recognizable as NEW.

Our entire team will also stand in the SAME Kiosk line and have a light purple name tag that will slide into the brown
Beaded lanyard that the team will each pick up from Sara at the ck in table. So you will first ck in at the Kiosk then go pick up your lanyard from Sara at the info/ck in table.

Greeters will be bringing gals in to help them find a seat. Greeters keep your eye's out for the light purple tags and anyone looking lost.
Keep in mind there might be gals that have come to CS but
never to an event, they might be in the system but still a bit
timid to come into a full room of women they don't know.

Gals do you remember
back to your first event and how it feels to be in a room of strangers? It can be really scary and overwhelming, let's love on these gals and make their experience a great one!

It is hard for the greeters/table hostess's to know when a table is FULL so they know if there is an open spot at your table. We are trying to fill the front tables first and then the back. Chairs will be tipped up until the front tables are full. Then the back tables will open up.

As table hostess's, we will be asking you to remove your name card from the plastic holder inside the coffee cup on the table when you have a full table of gals to help the greeters know the table is FULL. Please place your name tag on the table so gals will know who is the table hostess.

We are assigning table's at this eXpresso. As the table hostess's arrive early, they will need to come into the student center and find their table. Please look for your name card on a plastic holder that will be sticking out of the coffee cup in the center of the table.

***** We are in need of some more TABLE HOSTESS'S, please email Kristina Bradley (table hostess coordinator) if you would host a table. Thank you!

We will have a total of 25 tables, and 4 small bistro tables with a few bistro tables ready to roll out. The entire student center will be also lined with chairs should all the tables fill.

Please pray for the night to run smoothly and please plan on a very packed student center. Remember this is a HUGE PRAISE as eXpresso is a comfortable place to invite NEW GALS.

I will post all the numbers (how many attended expresso and how many were new) as soon as I receive them from Dina Vanhazel, she takes care of inputting all the new gals into Fellowship One.

*****PLEASE email me your God stories from the night! We want to hear from you! I will be posting them to our blog so we can celebrate together as a team!

Thank you for your willingness to serve!

eXpresso IS GOING TO ROCK!!!

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to come serve along side each of you!


Holiday Boutique - Jaime Anglin is coordinating

I wanted to know if you could forward this email out to all of you volunteers that we are still looking for 3 one hour-long spots to be filled for the Holiday Boutique on Saturday the 7th.

The spots I need filled are from 11-12, 12-1, or 1-2.

If anyone is interested in helping please have them email me at

THANK YOU ladies!!
See you on monday!!

Jaime Anglin
set up/tear down coordinator for eXpresso

Fb Posting to start the BUZZ

Is the link to post a link to your facebook page or to friends fb pages.

Let's start the BUZZ ladies!

Team Coordinators

Hi Team Coordinators,

Looking forward to seeing you this am at 9 at my house :0)
We will be walking through the night of eXpresso from start to finish as well as changing lanyards from a vertical to horizontal placement for the Kiosk name tags to easily slip into the clear holders.

We will also be assembling stickers on our eXpresso Cards for the women's network table that have dates for the next two expresso's and their topics.

I also wanted to tell you coffee will be ready and yummy monkey bread so don't worry about grabbing breakfast, I will have that for you.

Thank you for your time to come and put the finishing polishes on eXpresso.

See you soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Team Coordinators

PLEASE WELCOME drum roll...............
Mrs. Sara Ghali as our eXpresso Team CK in/Table info coordinator!

Sara will be cking in each gal that serves on the eXpresso Team as you walk into the Student Center on your left. Michelle Rauscher gave the eXpresso team beautiful brown beaded lanyards (she had purchased on clearance! Go Michelle!) to help the team be recognized as team members, so gals who might have a question recognize that you serve on the eXpresso team.

Sara's table will also serve as a place for gals who are lost, needing some women's network information, or extra Loop magazines. What a blessing she will be to our teams as well as gals who are looking to speak with someone about the different ministries offered through our women's network.

* Please ck in at a Kiosk first then come over to Sara's table and pick up your lanyard. I am inquiring about a different color label so our team stands out to gals needing assistance.

****PRAISE - We did get light purple labels for gals that are NEW to cornerstone so that as a team we can really reach out and love on them extra special :0) Wahooo!!


Thank you ladies so much for your heart to serve!

eXpresso is growing and we are in a continual learning process of how to be even more effective for Christ. I want to encourage each one of you to feel free to come to me with any ideas of areas we can do even better at providing an incredible outreach to women within Cornerstone as well as out in the community! The NEW eXpresso blog is a great tool for COMMUNICATION! Wahooo! To the left of the blog are all the upcoming dates for meetings for eXpresso as well as other service opportunities within the women's network for our eXpresso team to take advantage of. The blog will also serve as a place where our team can share "God stories" from the night of eXpresso as well as Praises/Prayer requests within our team.

I want to personally thank each one of you for the time that you have generously shared away from your families to serve the night of eXpresso as well as the time preparing in all of the different teams within eXpresso. You are so appreciated and so is your time!

Please be in prayer for the panelist, please pray for their hearts as they prepare to share their personal testimonies. Please pray for all the gals who will be arriving on our church campus.

We are all in for an incredible night as God places the finishing touches, May each gal who attends eXpresso hear clearly .................what an AWESOME God we serve!

The panel meeting was incredible! I can tell you though I have not walked through the same journey as the women that will be sharing, I so related to each one of their testimonies.


1. Please post on your facebook page
2. Join the facebook eXpresso Page (if you join the group "eXpresso" just click "Share" on the right hand side and it will post to your facebook page with all the eXpresso information.
3. Invite your friends, family, neighbors, co workers, etc via phone call, email, etc

Please keep checking our eXpresso Blog much more to come!
All of the Team coordinator info will also be posted to the blog so we can get to know our awesome coordinators and see what their teams are doing to prepare for eXpresso!

Blessings to each of you!

An amazing quote from my Beth Moore bible study that so is the heart beat of this ministry.

"You can not amputate your history from your destiny." ...... Beth Moore

Which means you cannot be all God created you to be without your history.....Can I get an AMEN?


On Aug 19, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Jami Lindberg wrote:

Hi Friends,

I am so thankful that you all have such a heart to serve in eXpresso. eXpresso is a "come hear" event, therefore we expect a large percentage of the women attending do not normally attend Cornerstone.

Each quarter women come and are blessed by what they hear and learn at eXpresso, but once in awhile there will be that one person that did not have a good experience. But, as a greeter you have the unique opportunity to give the guest a great start to her evening! You can very easily be Jesus' hands and feet in that entry on Monday night. Each of you has been asked to be a part of the greeting team because you are natural "welcomers"! You're not only a friendly face but you're warm and people will recognize that. Each of you are not afraid to walk up to women and start a conversation and make people feel "at home". I'm thankful for you!

On the flip side of that, because you are a people person you know a lot of women and have a lot of friends that will be attending eXpresso. As difficult as it may be, I'm asking that you keep your conversations to your friends in the entry to a minimum. There are many women that need to feel comfortable and won't if we all are chatting up our friends and not them. Our main responsibility is to greet and welcome in each and every person and give that little "extra" to the newbies! Thank you for your understanding.

Again at this eXpresso we will have a new person check in all by itself. I ask that a few of you stand just at that check in and walk women to tables and introduce them to the table hostess and anyone else you may know at the table so they can feel comfortable. We will figure out assignments on Monday night.

A couple more things.....there is now an eXpresso blog!!! It's a private blog, therefore Tanya has to invite you to view it. I'm sending her all your email addresses so she can put the invite out there to you. I encourage you to check it out and see all the fun things that are on it! One of the items you will view on the blog is the opportunity to register to work at the Rummage Sale. There will be 2 days of drop off this year and Cornerstone is in need of women and men to help out. There will not be childcare.

Another topic you can read about on the blog is the opportunity to serve on the Women's Network Table Team. How cool is it that Cornerstone offers so many different forums to get plugged into?!? This table team helps facilitate that. Would you consider volunteering a small amount of your time before or after your normal service time to help out at that table? Along with that opportunity is a coordinator. This person would be responsible for 1 service a month to ensure that there are women to greet the gals as they approach the table on Sunday. You can read more about each of these fun opportunities to serve on the blog!

Lastly, in lieu of charms for serving on the eXpresso team, Tanya Kirkpatrick will be hosting an amazing evening at her home on November 12th at 6pm. Mark your calendars now, you won't want to miss it.

Again, thank you for serving. This night would not happen without you. I look forward to seeing you on Monday evening at 6:15pm in the breezeway between the student center and the children's building.

Thank you for allowing me to come along side you and serve,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Team Coordinators

Team Coordinators:

Would you please send out any updates that are emailed to you from the
eXpresso blog to your team's?

Please send me the list of your teams and make sure all of them have access to
the eXpresso Blog (it is by invitation only and I need to plug in their emails to invite the to be able to view the eXpresso team blog)

Thank you so much!

Our eXpresso team is growing and God is at work through this incredible outreach ministry!

Thank you for your heart to serve and GROW with us!

Panel Meeting

I will be meeting with our three panelists

Sheila Long
Jan Reynolds
Kristin Nichols

Tonight in the main building on the couches at 7pm.

Please pray for our time together as we prepare for eXpresso.


Women's Network Table on the Patio during service on Sunday's

Hi eXpresso Team,

Would you consider coordinating a mini team to help serve on Sunday's at the Women's Network Table
where gals will come to inquire about our awesome women's ministries we have to offer at Cornerstone?

Do you know we are so fortunate to offer so many different forums to get
women plugged in at Cornerstone?

What a blessing and a small time commitment to coordinate a list of gals that would like to greet gals as they approach the table on Sunday's to inquire about bible studies, expresso, Mom's, or an upcoming event.

You may want consider just working a service at the women's network booth, you wouldn't be responsible for coordinating volunteers from the eXpresso team but rather working one service on a Sunday once or twice a month.

* You may think (much like I did)......... I don't know much about the other ministries to even tell other women about them..........There is a list of everything that is coming up that is emailed out to the gals who serve at the Women's Network Booth and all the contacts needed to make sure women get connected.

I can tell you from experience that church feels like "HOME" and a lot smaller when you grab a hold and serve and jump out of your comfort zone, even for an hour or two a month.

Think if everyone served for even one hour somewhere every Sunday what church would look like and feel like?

I will take the challenge and serve along side you on the eXpresso Women's Network table team and do our part to help women navigate through
all the amazing opportunities we have to LISTEN, GROW and SERVE here at Cornerstone.

Won't you take hold the challenge with me?

If you are interested in the following please contact me at 480-251-0850 or

1. Coordinating the eXpresso team volunteers to help work the Women's Network Table Team (on the patie on Sunday's *One hour shifts)

volunteer to help work the Women's Network Table Team (on the patie on Sunday's *One hour shifts)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rummage Sale


TEAM! Would you be willing to sign up for a three hour shift? If you have never worked the rummage sale, it is something you will never forget! I could NOT believe how big of an impact financially it was nor how much it truly blessed our different WOMEN'S Ministries!

NOW....... We get a chance to truly make a HUGE IMPACT on the place we call our second home CORNERSTONE :0) WAHOOO! Women's is giving the funds all to our CHURCH LAND FUND! How cool that we get to come together and change the HISTORY of Cornerstone, Won't you join our team and have our eXpresso team be PRESENT and GIVE and SERVE of our time? Please ck out the information below! Thank you all for considering joining together and making a DIFFERENCE!

All for HIM!!

Tanya (eXpresso Leader)

Twice a year Women's Network comes together as a collective team to raise funds that allow our ministry to share Jesus Christ with women in so many different ways. In order to do this, we rely on the donation of unwanted items and the time of many volunteers. Thank you for all of your past and continued support!

Next Sale is an ALL CHURCH effort!

All proceeds are going to the FLOOD Campaign

September 10th // drop off, pricing and sorting // 12pm - 9pm

September 11th // drop off, pricing and sorting // 9am – 9pm

September 12th // Rummage Sale // 6am – 1pm

If you would like to volunteer to work a shift during one of the above times register here.

If you have any further questions or would like to be involved in the planning of our next Rummage Sale, contact Melanie Reyes, or Charla Slattery.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

eXpresso Team Meeting

Team Meeting This Tuesday, August 11th Room A105 at 6:30

Discussing upcoming Panel on "SECRETS"

So looking forward to seeing all of you!

Thank you Jaime!!

eXpresso Team,
Let's give Jaime Anglin a big Shout out

Jaime will be coordinating our Holiday Booth for our eXpresso Team.

it is November 6th, and 7th.

If you could please email her at

Jaime Anglin
480-227-2103 Cell
480-988-5505 Hm
to let her know you would be willing to serve a one hour time slot that would be so appreciated!

What an awesome opportunity to share eXpresso Minsitry with
all the gals that will be............. NEW or maybe a gal who has NEVER come to a Woman's Event before......................... on church Campus
these two nights!

Have a blessed week sweet sista's!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Opportunities to serve

Positions availabe to serve on the eXpresso Team
***Remember small commitment as eXpresso is only once a quarter

1. Looking for a PR Coordinator
this gal would be responsible for the following:

a. running an add in the local newspaper for eXpresso

b. In charge of rallying a small team to work shifts at the women's booth different services to SMILE and greet gals on campus and hand out small invite cards to eXpresso (we can attach small coffee candies to the cards as well) Finding five to ten gals that enjoy people and signing them up for a 1 hour shift to hand these out before/during/after a Sunday service (total 1 hour shift each)

c. Going into or emailing some of the different ministries......High School, Camber, Singles, the Mine and giving them eXpresso's info coming up for them to announce as it is an awesome opportunity for a gal to bring a new friend to the CS campus to hear about Jesus! Many of them for the first time!

PLEASE Take spiritual test to the left and send results to Tanya

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Team Coordinators

Hi Team Coordinators,

Please email me your team members names, emails, phone numbers so I can make sure they receive an invitation to our NEW Team Blog.
I have now enabled the function when I post to the blog it will automatically post to the Team Coordinators. Please send updates to your team members to check the eXpresso team blog as new posts are made.

Thank you! Looking forward to seeing you August 11th in Room A109 with your teams!

Have a blessed day!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Do you know what your "Spiritual Gifts" are??

Please take a minute to click on the left side of the blog on the "PURSE-N-ALITY" quick quiz. After could you email me your results? I would love to know where your heart is to serve as we all can have more than one spiritual gift.

If you are interested in taking a quiz and going even deeper click on and take it as well.

eXpresso is growing and so is are the gals wanting to "dip their toe in" if you will to serving for the first time. My heart is to continually learn, grow and share what we have learned through the journey of ministry.

Thank you all for taking a few minutes to take the quiz. You can also print it and drop it off at the woman's network table on Sunday am's for the woman's network team to "capture" and possibly contact you in the future for other possible opportunities to use your spiritual gifts to serve.

Thank you! Have a blessed week!


Anita Renfroe // Saturday, November 14th, 2009 // more information coming soon...

Need Volunteers for the Holiday Boutique for eXpresso Booth

Hi Team!

Please check your calendars for November 6th and 7th to see if you could work our eXpresso ministry booth.

Here are some area's to sign up for:

1. A gal who would be willing to coordinate the time slots for the eXpresso Booth and make reminder calls to our team members for their times they signed up to work the booth.

2. A gal or two who would love to decorate our booth and be creative. We have our eXpresso leopard mini Chair and two fun lamps that we could use. Think about really making the booth attractive to a gal just walking by. I would love to help this gal out as well.

I was thinking it would be fun to have a basket full of "Coffee" flavor candies to give out with our eXpresso Rave Cards.

Please contact me asap if you would be willing to serve
Thank you!

Here is some information below about the purpose for the boutique:

Holiday Boutique is coming up November 6-7. What some of you may not know (being new to the team), is the philosophy of why we offer it in Women’s Network.

The Holiday Boutique serves as a “come see” outreach event for us. The hope is that it will provide an appealing, non-threatening environment for women to come on our campus and get a sense of Cornerstone. Interspersed in the Boutique are our ministry tables, giving you the unique opportunity to talk to women from the community about what you have to offer them.

Because of who we are doing this for, not all of our ministries will need to have booths there. For example, MOMS, NewComers or eXpresso would potentially be appealing to a gal walking through the Boutique as a place to come explore. Where as Mentoring or Rummage Sale, Production, are all internal ministries and would not have a need to target women from the community.

Remember, this is not a booth to recruit women to serve, it is an outreach to our community to invite them to come experience what you have to offer, so please approach it as such. While it is near the Holidays, I am asking you to refrain from focusing on “Holiday” décor that could distract or confuse women as to what your booth is all about. Stick to promoting your ministry around your logo, promotional materials and a “grabber” or give-away to get them over to your table. You most likely will get some traffic from Cornerstone women, and that’s great, but that is not who we are going after with this event.

eXpresso's Thank you DINNER <3<3<3

You are not going to want to miss this!

Thursday, November 12th

at 6:30-9pm at my house, you are invited to a eXpresso
appreciation Dinner

Thank you for your willingness to serve on the eXpresso Team for 2009
We couldn't have done it without you!

Numbers from the last eXpresso on "BEAUTY"

WOW! Here are the numbers from our last eXpresso "Beauty"
187 women attended and 24 of them were brand new to CS

Start the Buzz Ladies!!

eXpresso is in a few weeks..................... August 24th 7pm Topic is "Secrets"

You can do this a few different ways
1. We have ordered post cards that will be at the woman's table, pick one up and hand it to a friend!
2. Email your girlfriends a reminder!
3. Post on your Facebook status reports as a reminder!
4. Join the eXpresso Facebook page and become a member, invite others to join!
5. Call a friend up and invite them!

Would you like to learn the sound booth?

Can you click a button?

Sound/lighting for eXpresso requires a few gals in the back sound booth and it is very simple.
If this is your skill set please contact:

Please Contact Nicole Stamps at

Women's network is looking for gals to train for different programming.
Thank you!

eXpresso Team Meeting

Welcome back from your summer's :0) We are so excited to be back in the swing of things preparing for the next eXpresso AUGUST 24th at 7pm on "SECRETS"

We have a team meeting coming up Tuesday, August 11th in A105 at 6:30

Please leave a comment to let us know if you are coming

We will be finalizing the upcoming eXpresso.

Thank you and we look forward to see you there!

eXpresso Dates for next year

Next years submitted dates/topics
Please feel free to post comments in the comment section any ideas you have for graphics to go with the Topics, this blog will really help us communicate.)

Feb 22nd - Passion

an Ed hardy Look, edgy with a heart center

April 19th - Boundaries
Still dreaming on the graphics

Aug 23rd - Stuck
A high Heel Shoe with a piece of gum stuck between the shoe and the side walk

Oct 25th- Woven
a Beautiful, colorful Tapestry/quilt with distinct woven lines of different colors to make a masterpiece

These dates are requested at this time, we won't find out until September if these are a "Go" if you will on the final Church Calendar. Please Pencil them in on your calendars.